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Posts Tagged ‘Vladimir Putin


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on wednesday signed a law extending the presidential term, the Kremlin said, in a move many observers believe is designed to bring former president Vladimir Putin back to the nation’s top office.Medvedev, Putin’s hand-picked successor, proposed the changes in November, starting with the next president.

The new law extends the term of the president from four years to six. Medvedev also signed a law extending the term of members of the lower house of parliament, the Duma, from four years to five.Putin stepped down as president in May after two terms and is now prime minister.Earlier this month, Putin shrugged off the suggestion that Medvedev would step down to make way for his return when the law passes.

Putin has done call-in programs each year since 2001, but this was his first one as prime minister, rather than president. Putin remaining in the chair this year, rather than yielding it to Medvedev, showed he still runs Russia, said analyst Yevgeny Volk, the director of the Moscow office of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative U.S.-based think tank. Medvedev also signed a law giving the Duma more powers over the Russian government. The Duma may now consider annual performance reports issued by the government



Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan have been ranked among the 50 most powerful people in the world.
Pakistan army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who controls the the country’s nuclear weapons, is placed 20th on the list of the global “power elite” at the beginning of 2009 .

Obama, who scripted history by becoming the first black-American to be voted to the White House, is followed by Chinese President Hu Jintao, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Angela Markel and powerful Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Placing Sonia Gandhi at 17th spot, Indian political scene is riven by factions, Congress remains the strongest national force and rules unchallenged. “In the world’s largest democracy, she is the queen.”

Shahrukh Khan, who occupies 41st spot, as the ‘King of Bollywood’. “It’s not just that his (Shahrukh Khan’s) romantic flicks make gazillions  it’s where those gazillions come from. Khan is huge in the Muslim world, even in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the mullahs ban his films.

“Their main appeal is certainly the song-and-dance numbers, but Khan (a Muslim married to a Hindu) makes devoutly secular films where love trounces bigotry,” .”Here’s hoping tolerance will leap from reel life to real life.”

On Kayani, it says, that in theory this mumbling chain-smoking Pakistan army chief answers to resident Asif Ali Zardari. But Kayani and his troops remain the dominant power in what could be the most dangerous country in the world.

“He’s responsible for Pakistan’s nukes; for the battle against al-Qaeda and its tribal allies along the Afghan border; and for managing tensions with neighbour India,” the magazine stresses, noting that so far, his army has kept itself out of politics and seems focused on the battle against ‘jihadists’.

“In the wake of the November terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Kayani stood firm on Pakistan’s sovereignty while also taking measures against the alleged sponsors of the outrage,” it says. About 47-year-old Obama, it says the presidency of the “intensely charismatic” Democrat, who will be inaugurated on January 20, will be judged on how he handles the economic crisis that now envelops the US and the world. “For Obama to be remembered as a great President, he has to do nothing less than rescue capitalism.”

For bin Laden, who finds 42nd spot, the manhunt may not have been successful, but it has driven him far underground. Once a glutton for publicity, he has not shot a new video since September 2007, and no audio message from him has been heard since May 2008.


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